Saturday's slop!

Hey guys.
Glad I still have people stopping by to play “Guess this mess”.
Bryce came up with that one, I thought it was pretty good.
Fridays meal was the worst I have had yet. I knew nobody would get it. The big part of the tray was just stuffing with gravy. Those fritter looking things were actually “crab bites”, and let me tell you, they SUCKED! They tasted like old crab meat mixed with salt and sawdust. The bean medley thing wasn’t too bad.
OK, Point total through Friday:
Mom- 15pts.
Rob- 15pts. “Poultry hole pate?” Well done. He scored big on that one.
Bryce-20pts. God, you stink…smelly bastard.
Peg-25pts. She’s doing well, but guesses like “meat or fish” don’t help her out much.
Pam-10pts Nice comeback, Pam.
Pamela-15pts+1 Canadian point. She wasn’t doing all that great, but a few for partial credit and a dog vomit reference make all the difference!
Jessica-2pts. Where has Jessica gone? Probably got her head in the clouds somewhere…
1st. Lady- 20pts.
Eric-10 pts Nice Dan Quayle reference…I got a chuckle out of that one. If I was any younger I probably wouldn’t have gotten it.
And by the way, they do have Kin Chee on the salad bar from time to time.
Moving onto todays pic…
This will be the very last night of the contest. My waistline can’t handle any more…
I jumped at the chance to insert a little extra “color” into this one. Have fun with it, and remember, creative responses get more points than correct guesses. I will wait until Monday is over in the states before posting the winners.
Anyway, It’s bed time for me. Take care, everyone.
Enjoy your meal.