
Hey Freaks.
Sorry it's been so long. Been bored, been busy, been sick, got healthy, then bored again. Somewhere in there I was completely overwhelmed by tasking at work.
When I'm asleep, I sometimes imagine myself in a Greek Temple, high on a mountain overlooking lush, green valleys. The sun is shining and all is right with the world.
Also, Condi Rice is wearing a slinky little number and feeding me grapes.
I sleep like a baby.
Then Nancy Pelosi showes up with a Battle Ax and just fuckes it all up.
(I think my friend Bob will appreciate the reference.)
Which brings me to my point.
I need a drink so freakin' bad, I can barely stand it. I would give my kingdom for a Fat Tire.
Does anyone know how to make a still out of common household items?
I have a plethora of empty water bottles, duck tape, parachute cord, ziplock bags, and nasty junk food.
If someone can figure out a way to build a still out of all that crap then please, I'm all ears, really. You would be my savior.
I hope everyone appreciates the irony in the photo above, I know I did.