Where the wild things are...

They're ahhh...here! And not just the insurgent Islam-o-Fascists, either.
This guy was appearantly trapped on Camp Victory.(the other side of town from me)
Looks pissed, doesn't he!
I had never heard of desert wolves before I saw these pics. His coat is an interesting color, isn't it? That's probably the best desert camouflage there is.
I bet he has friends. What do you think?
Sorry It's been so long since I posted. I have three bosses at the moment and the tasking has been coming fast and loose. They have me writing up all kind of plans and policy, realy boring stuff, too. I'm almost four months in, now, and need some time off. I will get a few days to myself early next month, all I have to do is make it that long without ending up like Corporal Klinger.
A Section 8 just wouldn't be my style...
Take care, everyone.
I've always wanted to read that story. I bet he's just a sweetheart really.
Hey 1st lady,
I am certain that he was released in a humane manner. He's probably out in the desert with his buddies right now. He's also probably dining on rotting human flesh, but that's a completely different manner.
Rest easy. :)
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