
Hey Freaks.
Sorry it's been so long. Been bored, been busy, been sick, got healthy, then bored again. Somewhere in there I was completely overwhelmed by tasking at work.
When I'm asleep, I sometimes imagine myself in a Greek Temple, high on a mountain overlooking lush, green valleys. The sun is shining and all is right with the world.
Also, Condi Rice is wearing a slinky little number and feeding me grapes.
I sleep like a baby.
Then Nancy Pelosi showes up with a Battle Ax and just fuckes it all up.
(I think my friend Bob will appreciate the reference.)
Which brings me to my point.
I need a drink so freakin' bad, I can barely stand it. I would give my kingdom for a Fat Tire.
Does anyone know how to make a still out of common household items?
I have a plethora of empty water bottles, duck tape, parachute cord, ziplock bags, and nasty junk food.
If someone can figure out a way to build a still out of all that crap then please, I'm all ears, really. You would be my savior.
I hope everyone appreciates the irony in the photo above, I know I did.
J- You seem to get bored a lot. When this happens, why don't you put pen to paper and write a book. You are good at that and I think it is always what you wanted to do.
You apparantly havnt reed some of mi writting.
There is spell check!
Their is? Wear?
You are so funny. You should write comedy.
Uhh.... you spelled 'fucks' with an E. Obviously your [sic] a Republican.
You showed up and found fault. You then assigned blame, and left without actually saying or doing anything constructive, you are obviously a liberal.
Fucke you.
Not to mention, you screwed up yourself.
It's "you're", not "your".
You freakin' moonbat...
Good one J-
Hey Jason, My name is Rita Richardson and I work with your mom. I just wanted to tell you that I personally do appreciate all that you guys do over there. I am originally from West Monroe Louisiana and have been working down here in the New Orleans area since Katrina hit. I have met a lot of really nice people including your mom. Well I just wanted to drop you a line to say Hi and also Thanks for all that you do for us here at home. Take Care and Be Safe.
Hi fwom an owd wong wost fwiend... We have missed you. Now that we awe finished wif ouw dive into wawsuit heww, maybe we can wwite again, uh-hah-hah-hah. I have been thinking about what the next gweatest contest you couwd conjuwe up. Since you awe obviouswy bowed at times you couwd come up wif something wight? So how is the weathew thewe? Have the gawwows been powished to pewfection? I know, I know, not a nice thing to think ow say. Dings have just not been the same since I won the contest. De cewebwity I have known is just too much at times. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Peopwe can be SO jeawous. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! I cannot hewp it if I wike fwicasee. Dang! Why does evewyone have to be a hatew? I am just natuwawwy skiwwed at that stuff. Good gwief. Weww, just wanted to say hey and hope aww is weww ovew thewe! Be good and be safe and do take cawe of youwsewf J.
Miss Peg
The trick to distilling alcohol from a fermented mash is the temperature. Alcohol will vaporize off at 173 degrees F. Keep your mash at that temperature and you can't go wrong.
For real good stuff, run it through 2 or 3 times.
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