Take a good look, and keep your eyes open.

Like the title says, Take a good look at this asshole, and keep an eye out. He's an Islamic Fascist(that's right, I said it!) who apparently wants to be the next Mohammed Atta. (if you pink-O Libs don't remember who he is, then look it up!) The FBI is looking for him, which I ordinarily wouldn't worry too much about, except I've been seeing him mentioned a LOT! Also, there is a 5 million dollar reward for information on this scumbag. Just think of it like playing the lottery!
Also, I read the best quote the other day! It was in a story about the fallout from the supposedly anti-islamic comments made by the Pope. The quote is from a woman named Tasnim Aslan. All I know about her is that she is a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan.
Get this:
"Anyone who describes Islam as a religion, as intolerant, encourages violence."
Wow! Such Incite! I get it! Describing those gradeschool bullies as being "mean" is why they beat up us small kids! They weren't the violent, neglected, maladjusted product of broken homes and incarcerated, drug-addicted parents, they were just trying to save us from the Great Satan. I have been so wrong all these years! Allah, Please forgive me!
I have to tell you, friends, it's shit like this that makes writing a blog so very, very enjoyable. Hell, with people like Tasnim around, these things practicality write themselves.
By the way, kudos to my sister for finally getting an email account. Before she knows it, she'll be blogging her little heart out, too!
There isn't much to report from around here. It's quiet, and the weather has been wonderful! The mornings and evenings feel like southern California. It gets a little hot during the day, but nothing like it had been for the last couple months.
I highly recommend that everyone take a few minutes, visit the FBI website, and take a quick read through the list of most wanted terrorists and other "people" wanted for information.
Here are the links:
BTW, It would be an awful shame if any of these known terrorists could lawyer up and file lawsuits against Americans in American courts, wouldn't it?
Take care, gang.
Thanks for the heads up bro...I wonder if there are bounty hunters for guys like that...all you need to do is catch one of those sleaze balls and you are set for life...time for a new career!
Sorry Bryce...but if you catch one of those dudes then you will be extradited back to whatever country they are from.
Just a quick double-tap will do.
Two to the chest, one to the head Jason! The deserving pine box is much cheaper than a lawsuit. Glad to hear your off the cancer sticks and your 1/4th the way there. Keep up the good work!
Your Cousin Amy
Dude, Please, it's time for a change.
Grateful for sharing tthis
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