A Naval Officer takes a long strange trip to the Desert.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Headline: "Hillary goes berserk! Mauls a campaign staffer!"

Even though her owner had stood up for her, claiming she had been a loyal and stable family pet for many years, she ultimately had to be put down.

This also popped up in the news, courtesy of Mike Glover of the Associated (with terrorists)Press:

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (AP) - If President Bush vetoes an Iraq war spending bill as
promised, Congress quickly will provide the money without the withdrawal
timeline the White House objects to because no lawmaker ``wants to play
chicken with our troops,'' Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday.

Apparently, Hillary is the only Socialist/Democrat who actually has any fangs. The nut-roots are going to freakin' loose it when they hear about this.

Maybe that's why Pelosi went to Syria, she's looking for a good place to hide.


I was right. LGF has a response from the moonbats over at Kos.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine what Bill sees each morning when he wakes up. Makes you understand why he cheated.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And probably still is! But the bad thing about that is the dems. won't see anything wrong with that.

4:52 AM  

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