A Naval Officer takes a long strange trip to the Desert.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Pigs fly at Time magazine.

On a long enough time line, even the most improbable of events, becomes a certainty.
Don't be fooled, the Iranians are trying as hard as they can to stoke the flames of an otherwise forgotten conflict, which has been relegated to a simmer for the better part of 25 years.
But make no mistake,
The tanks will start rollin',
The bombs will start fallin',
and Rosie the peachfish eatin', loud mouth pain in the ass, will be blathering on and on and on about what bad people we are and how we started it with no provocation what so ever, and those poor Iranians never did anything to anyone!
And while the Iranian chickens are coming home to roost, you will never, EVER, see this story mentioned by the main stream media again.
Take a good look now, while you still can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iranian soldiers on the wrong side of the border trying to take hostages of Americans? This can't be true! If they attempt that on land with more easily determined borders why should we believe their propaganda that the British were on the wrong side of the watery border?

But if this happened way back in September why would Time report it as news now? This doesn't follow their script.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Jason Deitering said...

I can't even pretend to understand the reason that guides some of these people. If I'm not mistaken, The New York Crimes printed an editorial a week or so ago blasting His Royal Magesty, Al Gore, on the possibility that there was no man made global warming.
The only thing I can think of is that they have there own ideas of who should be the next persident, and they're trying to push support away from Hillary and Gore, and towards Obama.

11:23 PM  

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